
Friday, September 24, 2010

level generation progress, finally!

I've been putting off the level generator for a long time. Every now and then I'd pick it up, get discouraged and push it aside for awhile. But it's been constantly bothering me because if I never get it done, I'll never be able to release anything and I know that I'm a bit overdue for a release now. It's still quite a way off, but now it's one step closer as I think I've almost got something I might be satisfied with.

I started off generating a few intersecting rectangles and creating a grid based on that:

After some more splitting, I started to combine rooms. Hallways will always combine as long as they are connected on a short side. Larger rooms combine if they can form a room under a certain size. I came up with something like this:

Still not good enough, so I added some more random variation...
It was starting to look pretty good, so I added doors!

It's still not complete. I need to work on the door placement and then I need to integrate it with the actual game map, but I think I'm done with the hard part at least.

I know I haven't released anything in a very long time (that's what rewrites do, sorry), but don't give up hope. I am constantly working, and tons of other stuff has been worked on that I haven't posted about. I'm just trying to do things right this time around and school is also getting in the way.


  1. Hey man, those doors don't look so bad. From what I can tell, you are able to access every room in the building.

    Perhaps a high-tech wall-tunneling lazer gizmo could be invented too? Or explosives are always fun... :)

  2. Wow that algorithm works rather nicely! I don't think I've ever seen building interiors in a RL that look so complex and realistic at the same time. Two questions: how do you decide what's a corridor? And what's the data structure behind that, a grid of tiles, a grid of room blocks, or something else?

  3. Well I use several layers of data structures. On the lowest level there is a list of what I call "Sectors" which are the rectangles that make up the grid. Each sector has a pointer to its neighbors.

    From there I pick a Random sector and create a new Room, which is a structure that holds a collection of Sectors. I then add adjacent Sectors to the Room until it reaches its randomly selected ideal size. If a room starts with a hallway "candidate" (any Sector with a dimension of 2), then it automatically adds adjacent hallways until there are no more. Once a Room is complete, I pick a new Sector until all Sectors are occupied.

    That should answer your questions if I made it clear enough (which I probably didn't :P).

    Anyway if I ever actually get this in a releasable state, you'll be able to examine the sloppily thrown together map generator yourself! :D

  4. "Anyway if I ever actually get this in a releasable state, you'll be able to examine the sloppily thrown together map generator yourself"

    Since you posted this comment in 2010, I'm wondering if it is still true? =D

    Great work on the algorithm!
