
Monday, September 6, 2010

dual wielding, interface improvements

Today and yesterday I worked on adding dual weapon wielding. Now you can hold any weapon in either hand, but weapons in the left hand get penalties. Also, two-handed weapons that don't have another free hand get penalties. So you could dual wield heavy machine guns if you really wanted to, but without some crazy bionics and high skill levels, you won't really be hitting much.

In addition to that, I made some interface improvements. I gave it some color and made the message window smaller.


  1. Green... makes the game... look...

    Lookin better all the time, dude!

  2. The interface looks great. Keep up the good work.

  3. I like it! It's very... hm... reminiscent of technopunk consoles and hacker stuff in general :P It definitely sets the right mood!

    About the previous post:

    I remember an old RL article about creating interesting building interiors. It involved starting with a rectangle, then selecting rectangles within it (adjacent to a wall or corner of the main rectangle), which could be turned into rooms, fenced (gardens/parks), or cut out / outside the building (for L or U-shaped buildings). All by just choosing different wall types for the 4 walls of the chosen rectangles (wall/fence/nothing). Searched all over but couldn't find it =\

    The goggles... do nothing! Actually I would keep that item; goggles are definitely cyberpunk (along with spiky hair of course) and every player will want one :)

  4. Clarifying the previous post: You create a rectangle for the main building, then select a smaller one within (adjacent to a wall/corner). Create full walls in the smaller rectangle to make it a room; remove the exterior wall and create all other walls of the smaller rectangle to make the building L or U-shaped; turn the exterior wall into a fence to make it into a garden or something. :)

  5. Right now I'm experimenting with something similar to what you suggested. Basically I combine some large rectangles to form the shape of the building, then I subdivide the whole thing into a grid and combine the resulting pieces into rooms. I have not fully implemented it yet, but here's a very experimental result that I think would be decent:
    The problem is that most of the buildings it makes so far are not that nice.

    As for the goggles' name, it was a failed attempt at a joke. There will definitely be eyewear though and it will provide various benefits depending on what it is.
